9 April 2020 – Your McDonald’s favourites will soon be brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood Comfort cabby!

ComfortDelGro cabbies, who have been hard hit by the many safe distancing measures aimed at stemming the COVID-19 outbreak, will from today be given the option to provide food delivery services for McDonald’s.

ComfortDelGro’s tie-up with McDonald’s Singapore has been made possible as the Government has eased point-to-point regulations that now allows taxi drivers and private-hire car drivers to participate in the delivery service trial. ComfortDelGro cabbies who choose to provide delivery service for McDonald’s will be orientated on the necessary procedures to safely and efficiently help deliver customer orders. Thereafter, the cabbies wlll be assigned to various McDonald’s restaurants where they can pick up and deliver customer orders.

Said Mr Tommy Tan, Chief Operating Officer of ComfortDelGro Taxi: “We have been working tirelessly to try and find jobs for our many cabbies amidst the dramatic drop in passenger demand. Every dollar they can earn now is a dollar that will help put food on their own tables. We are also happy to partner McDonald’s in what we see as a win-win-win situation for everyone – McDonald’s, our cabbies and hungry residents.”

Read full article here.

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